The tension in this sequence is created by a varity of different shots and angles.
2. Look at the use of CU or Medium CU. Why are they primarily used here? Refer to specific shots.
From 0.50-1.03 there is good use of medium CU, it is primarily used here because one of the actors "Will Smith" comes to realisation of a truth that the other actor has told him.

3. Choose 15-20 seconds from anywhere in the sequence and describe each shot in detail, explaining its effect / function for the audience, as well as commenting on how the cuts (the editing) adds to the meaning.
The 15-20 seconds I have chosen is when the two men are in a bunker full of technology. I believe that there is a great deal of detailed shots in these few seconds as it also builds a lot of excitment and tension. It gives a good view of the amount of equipment in the bunker and it also shows one of the actors use of the technology.
4. How far does the editing of this sequence fit in with the genre of the thriller? Justify your opinion.
The editing in the sequence fits in with the thriller genre because the different angles and shots add the thriller effect. Although the plot plays a big part in the overall effect, due to the camera movement, placement, shots and angles its adds to the effect.
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